Sometimes when the car is driving, the impact of gear 2 up to gear 3, gear 4 up to gear 5, gear 6 down to gear 5, gear 4 down to gear 3 and reverse gear will also be affected. What's going on with the shift shock fault of automobile automatic transmission?
Go to the car service station for inspection. Through the diagnosis with the diagnostic instrument, the automatic transmission control unit has no fault code and the dynamic data flow is normal. Check the engine control system and the display is normal. Check all body circuits with the diagnostic instrument and the display is normal. When there is no fault in the circuit, there are only two problems: mechanical and oil circuit. Choose to replace the valve body assembly, and the fault phenomenon remains unchanged after the road test.
According to the fault provided by the owner, conduct multi-directional analysis and temporarily eliminate the circuit fault. Analyze the oil circuit and machinery, check the working table of automatic transmission components, and analyze the fault points proposed by the owner.
It can be seen from the mechanical parts worksheet that when the 2nd gear is raised to the 3rd gear, the B1 brake needs to be drained and the K2 clutch needs to be supplied with oil. If B1 delays oil leakage, there will be impact. If K2 engages in advance, there will also be impact.

Analyze the influence of 4th gear to 5th gear again. K1 clutch needs oil drainage and K2 clutch needs oil supply. Here, K2 participated in the second upshift impact. It is suspected that K2 is more likely to work in advance.
Look at the impact of downshifting from 6th gear to 5th gear. It is B1 oil drain and K2 oil supply. Here, K2 appears again. It is more likely to suspect K2 in advance. Look at the impact of downshifting from 4th gear to 3rd gear, that is, K3 oil drain and K2 oil supply.
The fault target should be locked in K2 clutch, but it is also necessary to analyze whether the reason for the abnormal operation of K2 clutch is oil circuit or mechanical? Follow the easy to difficult approach.
From the oil circuit analysis, the oil is controlled by the automatic transmission control unit. If the automatic transmission control unit does not work in advance, the oil circuit will not supply oil automatically in advance.
In other words, the oil circuit control of the car will only be delayed rather than advanced (the oil circuit is too dirty, and the action of the valve rod will be delayed). After disassembling the automatic transmission, it was found that the conical return spring of K2 clutch piston was broken.
As the conical return shrapnel was broken, the two cards fixing the conical shrapnel fell from both sides. Since there is no spring plate to help the piston return when the K2 clutch piston discharges oil, the K2 clutch friction plate has no clearance, and the lubricating oil cannot enter the K2 clutch friction plate surface. After dry friction, the friction plate burns.
Jinan automatic transmission maintenance personnel remind that since there is no gap between K2 clutch plates, K2 clutch will be engaged immediately during oil supply; Without buffer, it will be impacted during upshift and downshift, as well as during shift. Determine the fault target and replace it as needed. After completion, repeat the test and troubleshoot.
The relevant contents of the problem are explained here. If you still have problems to solve, it is recommended to pay attention to the website njzhuiri.cn Com.