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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁>>新聞中心>>公司新聞濟(jì)南自動(dòng)變速箱的十大故障及其維修要領(lǐng)!


發(fā)布日期: 2024-07-13 來源: http://njzhuiri.cn/ 點(diǎn)擊: 0


  The gearbox of a car, like the engine, is a super large part of the car, with a cost that can account for 15-30% of the entire car price. Generally, there will not be any malfunctions, but once a malfunction occurs, it can be a big problem. Today we have selected some solutions for dealing with car transmission faults to share with you. If you have any problems with using, maintaining, or repairing your car, you can directly contact us.20230923104753356.jpg


  1. Oil leakage


  One reason for oil leakage from the gearbox housing or oil pan is due to aging seals and poor sealing; Another reason is that poor manufacturing processes result in sand holes on the shell.


  2. Engine stalling, no response, impact when entering gear


  The standard for testing gear entry is to start the engine, idle, press the brake, and enter gear. The normal situation is to have a feeling of entering gear within 1-1.2 seconds, release the brake pedal, and slowly start the vehicle without pressing the accelerator pedal, gradually extracting to a speed of 10-20 kilometers per hour. This is a normal gear entry standard. If the delay in entering gear is more than 2 seconds after entering gear, it needs to be repaired immediately; If there is a strong impact sensation during gear shifting, known as positioning impact, it should be noted that any automatic transmission has a certain degree of impact sensation during gear shifting. If there is no sensation at all, it indicates an internal fault. However, if the impact is relatively large, it is unacceptable and can cause complex problems, including many aspects other than the gearbox; The situation of stalling when entering gear is that the engine will stall when entering gear, which is more obvious when the car is cold. This problem is caused by issues with the transmission and other body systems.


  3. The malfunction of hanging D or R and engine stalling may be caused by damage to the lock up solenoid valve or jamming of the lock up control valve.


  After shifting to D or R gear and releasing the brake, the vehicle does not move. Alternatively, the car can travel a short distance after starting in a cold state, but cannot travel in a hot state. This situation is often caused by damage to the input shaft or reverse clutch, or damage to the D/R brake. It may also be due to severe oil leakage and a severe lack of oil in the automatic transmission; The connecting rod or cable between the shift lever and the manual valve rocker arm is loose, and the manual valve remains in neutral or parking position;


  4. The oil inlet filter is clogged; Serious leakage in the main oil circuit; Oil pump damaged


  During the driving process, the vehicle may experience gear shifting shock and jerking, which is also a common fault of automatic transmissions. This may be caused by the transmission oil being too dirty, leading to valve body sticking.


  5. The malfunction of hanging D or R and engine stalling may be caused by damage to the lock up solenoid valve or jamming of the lock up control valve.


  During the process of driving, there is a sound of the engine idling when the accelerator is accelerating. The speed of the car does not increase, and the whole car feels weak. This phenomenon is mostly caused by burnt clutch plates. The gearbox is not functioning properly due to water ingress caused by external factors, which may be caused by oil leakage in the water tank or water entering from the gearbox vent cap.


  6. Abnormal noise


  1. It is a bearing noise, which is generally closely related to the rotational speed. The higher the rotational speed, the more screaming there will be.


  2. It is abnormal noise from the differential or main transmission gear, which is usually more pronounced at speeds of 50-70 kilometers per hour. Due to the different meshing surfaces of the gears, the noise is usually more pronounced when refueling and significantly reduced when releasing the throttle.


  3. It is an abnormal noise from the hydraulic system such as the oil pump, which is closely related to the speed but not to the vehicle speed. When the speed is high, the oil pump's suction is blocked, causing screaming. It should be noted that the transmission system works together with components such as the engine and chassis, and many sounds are mixed together, making it difficult to identify. "


  7. Odor generated inside the box


  The gearbox works with hydraulic oil. When the oil temperature is too high, some combustion will occur, and these odors will be transmitted, indicating that some of the actuating components in the gearbox are not working properly


  8. Automatic gear shift time is too long or too short


  Generally, automatic transmissions have specific shifting speeds and vehicle speeds. If the shifting time suddenly becomes too long or too short, it means that the transmission ratio of the gearbox is not proportional, and the engine speed may feel too high. In even worse cases, the gearbox may not shift, which indicates that there is a problem with the gearbox.


  9. High engine speed during driving


  This problem includes two situations: high engine speed during smooth driving and high engine speed during acceleration: high engine speed during smooth driving, which is easier to test, such as an engine with a displacement of 2. A vehicle with 0 usually needs to reach a speed of 100 kilometers per hour at 2600 revolutions per minute. If it frequently requires 3000 revolutions per hour or more to reach 100 kilometers per hour for a period of time, it indicates this fault. Generally, this fault is caused by the failure of the high-speed transmission or the failure of the internal lock up clutch of the gearbox, and the gearbox needs to be repaired immediately. During the acceleration process, the engine speed is too high. The fault test by the transmission expert is a bit complicated because the increase in engine speed during acceleration is closely related to the accelerator pedal. For example, a normal Passat can accelerate the vehicle at a body speed of 2500 rpm under low throttle, but the engine will increase to 5500-6000 rpm under full throttle. Such a huge contrast is due to the fuzzy logic of the transmission's electronic control system, so this standard requires a certain level of professional expertise to be completed.


  10. Engine idling


  Engine idling generally occurs in two situations. One is when the vehicle suddenly experiences engine idling while stationary, but returns to normal when the speed slows down. This situation generally indicates that the gearbox suddenly shifts from high gear to low gear in a short period of time, and the problem may lie in the control system or cooling system. The gearbox itself is not a problem. The second is the occurrence of brief slipping and idling during acceleration or gear shifting. The intuitive feeling is that the latter is not as severe as the former, but in fact, the opposite is true. The problem of the latter is mostly related to the clutch and other links in the gearbox. To deal with it, the gearbox needs to be completely disassembled and repaired, which consumes much more time and cost than the former.

  本文由  濟(jì)南自動(dòng)變速箱維修 友情奉獻(xiàn).更多有關(guān)的知識(shí)請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊  http://njzhuiri.cn   真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識(shí)我們將會(huì)陸續(xù)向大家奉獻(xiàn).敬請(qǐng)期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan Automatic Transmission Maintenance. For more related knowledge, please click http://njzhuiri.cn Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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