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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)>>新聞中心>>公司新聞濟(jì)南自動(dòng)變速箱維修:自動(dòng)變速箱與手自一體變速箱的不同點(diǎn)有哪些?


發(fā)布日期: 2024-05-11 來(lái)源: http://njzhuiri.cn/ 點(diǎn)擊: 0


What are the differences between an automatic transmission and a manual automatic transmission?


Difference: The manual automatic transmission is a combination of manual and automatic shifting in a car, while the automatic transmission is a transmission device that appears relative to the manual transmission and can automatically shift according to the car speed and engine speed.

  1. 手自一體變速箱簡(jiǎn)介:

Introduction to manual automatic transmission:


A manual automatic transmission is a transmission method that combines manual and automatic shifting in a car. This transmission combines the advantages of both automatic and manual transmissions, minimizing power loss in the transmission system. Manual transmission can freely adjust the gear and speed according to the driver's subjective wishes, providing a smooth driving experience with a strong sense of sportiness and enjoyable driving experience. The manual transmission with manual and automatic transmission is different from pure manual transmission cars. Although the structure is equipped with a clutch device, it requires the driver to operate, which is automatic clutch. When using manual transmission in a car that integrates manual and automatic transmission, simply shift to manual mode and adjust the gear up or down as the speed changes. If the speed cannot keep up with the corresponding gear, the gear will automatically adjust downwards; If the speed is higher than the gear you are in, you need to manually shift it up.

  2. 自動(dòng)變速箱簡(jiǎn)介:

2. Introduction to Automatic Transmission:


The core of an automatic transmission is to achieve automatic shifting. The so-called automatic shifting refers to the process of driving a car, where the driver controls the accelerator pedal (accelerator pedal) according to the needs of the driving process. The automatic transmission can automatically shift into different gears according to the engine load and the operating conditions of the car.



Automatic transmission is a transmission device that appears relative to manual transmission and can automatically shift gears according to the vehicle speed and engine speed. At present, there are four common types of automatic transmissions in automobiles, namely hydraulic automatic transmission (AT), mechanical continuously variable transmission (CVT), electronically controlled mechanical automatic transmission (AMT), and dual clutch automatic transmission.


Working principle of manual automatic transmission:


Structurally, the manual automatic transmission mainly consists of a regular gearbox (similar to a manual transmission), an electronic control clutch, an automatic shift control mechanism, and an electronic control part. The function of the electronic control clutch is to automatically disengage, engage, or "lift" the clutch as needed. During operation, the transmission ECU controls the stepper motor to push the clutch fork, causing the clutch to disengage or engage. The function of the automatic shift control mechanism is to automatically shift into the corresponding gear as needed. Generally, two stepper motors are set up, both of which are controlled by the transmission ECU. The gear lever setting is similar to that of a regular automatic transmission, without a clutch pedal. The function of this transmission is actually to simulate manual gear shifting using the automatic control part. There is no difference between normal driving and a hydraulic automatic transmission, except that the clutch is disengaged when parking. Therefore, if parking on a slope, be sure to press the brake, otherwise the car will slip. If using manual mode, it feels like driving a manual transmission car. The power is very direct, and there is no need to press the clutch. Moreover, there is no need to shift gears one by one, and you can jump up and down gears.

以上就是有關(guān):濟(jì)南自動(dòng)變速箱維修  的介紹,想了解更多的內(nèi)容請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊:http://njzhuiri.cn 我們將會(huì)全心全意為您提供滿分服務(wù),歡迎您的來(lái)電!

The above is an introduction to Jinan automatic transmission maintenance. For more information, please click: http://njzhuiri.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

關(guān)鍵詞: 自動(dòng)變速器故障檢測(cè)一般程序 自動(dòng)變速箱常見(jiàn)幾種狀況有哪些? 汽車變速箱進(jìn)水后怎么維修? 汽車變速箱基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)的特點(diǎn)講解 自動(dòng)變速箱維修保養(yǎng)要注意什么?

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