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發(fā)布日期: 2024-05-15 來源: http://njzhuiri.cn/ 點擊: 0


Automatic transmissions can be divided into manual automatic, traditional automatic, dual clutch, continuously variable transmission, and electronic gears based on shifting logic.


(1) Manual and automatic transmissions have begun to use multi plate clutches and planetary gear mechanisms, but the shifting process still requires manual shifting of the gear lever, meaning that the electronic control unit has not been automated and only omits the operation of traditional clutches. This type of gearbox has been phased out due to its low convenience and high cost. However, manual and automatic transmission was the earliest to propose the concept of electronic gear shifting.


(2) Traditional automatic transmissions are currently the most widely used and technologically compatible automatic transmissions. Due to their simple and direct principles, as well as mature electronic automatic shifting technology, they are suitable for vehicles with different power and gear requirements. However, due to different calibration logic, the performance of this type of gearbox varies greatly on different products, and the driving quality also varies. The main advantage is that the gear shift is direct, without the need for manual operation, making it easier to maximize the vehicle's performance. The disadvantage is that due to different tuning, fuel consumption is higher, and the response speed under all working conditions may be slower.



(3) The dual clutch transmission adopts the logic of dual clutch odd and even gear prediction. The advantage is that it can greatly reduce the shifting interval of the transmission during intense driving or extreme power output, make the power output more continuous, and have a greater torque bearing capacity. The disadvantage is that due to calibration reasons, under normal working conditions, the automatic gear prediction of the dual clutch may not necessarily meet the requirements, which can easily cause significant jerking, and due to the many friction points, the failure rate is relatively high.


(3) The continuously variable transmission is mainly used in Japanese cars and adopts a cone-shaped wheel steel belt connection structure. By changing the diameter of the cone-shaped wheel and moving the steel belt to achieve continuous speed and torque change, it has the advantages of excellent driving smoothness and easier performance of the engine's optimal power. It accelerates quickly under all working conditions while reducing fuel consumption. The disadvantage is that due to different tuning, there may be initial torque limitations when starting in place, resulting in slow and non-linear acceleration in the front section. At the same time, due to structural constraints, the transmission cannot withstand excessive torque.


(4) Electronic gears are often used in hybrid vehicles that emphasize comfort for household use. They adopt a dual motor directly connected planetary gear structure matched with an Atkinson cycle gasoline engine. The advantages are good smoothness, fast response, and more direct torque output. Due to the planetary gear structure, it is more conducive to energy recovery. The disadvantage is that it belongs to a new technology and has higher costs.

以上就是有關(guān):濟南自動變速箱維修 的介紹,想了解更多的內(nèi)容請點擊:http://njzhuiri.cn 我們將會全心全意為您提供滿分服務(wù),歡迎您的來電!

The above is an introduction to Jinan automatic transmission maintenance. For more information, please click: http://njzhuiri.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

關(guān)鍵詞: 自動變速器故障檢測一般程序 自動變速箱常見幾種狀況有哪些? 汽車變速箱進水后怎么維修? 汽車變速箱基礎(chǔ)知識的特點講解 自動變速箱維修保養(yǎng)要注意什么?

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