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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁>>新聞中心>>公司新聞濟(jì)南自動(dòng)變速箱維修:變速箱配件有哪些?


發(fā)布日期: 2024-05-17 來源: http://njzhuiri.cn/ 點(diǎn)擊: 0


The main parts inside the gearbox are named as follows:

  1、 液力變矩器:液力變矩器安裝在發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)飛輪上。其功用是將發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的動(dòng)力傳遞給行星齒輪變速機(jī)構(gòu),并具有一定的變矩功能。

1. Hydraulic torque converter: The hydraulic torque converter is installed on the engine flywheel. Its function is to transfer the power of the engine to the planetary gear transmission mechanism, and it has a certain torque conversion function.


2. Planetary gear transmission mechanism: The planetary gear transmission mechanism consists of two parts: a planetary gear mechanism and a shifting actuator. The planetary gear mechanism consists of 2-3 rows of planetary gears with 2-5 transmission ratios; The shifting actuator realizes the change of transmission ratio, that is, automatic shifting action.


3. Hydraulic control system: The main task of the hydraulic control system is to provide the required oil pressure to various systems of the automatic transmission based on changes in engine load (throttle opening) and vehicle speed (speed sensor) signals; Switch hydraulic channels based on the position of the joystick and the driving status of the car to achieve control of the torque converter and gear transmission system; Control the working status of the lock up clutch in the torque converter.


4. Electronic control system: In the electronic control system, sensors collect various signals, such as throttle position, vehicle speed, water temperature, etc., and convert them into electrical signals to be transmitted to the electronic control unit. The electronic control unit compares the data processed with the set shift pattern and sends instructions to the electromagnetic valve to determine the correct shift timing and gear.


5. Cooling and oil filtering device: The cooling and oil filtering device consists of a filter, a cooler, and pipelines.



Its function is to cool the transmission oil through the cooling oil circuit and cooler to maintain normal operating temperature and improve transmission efficiency. At the same time, the filter filters out metal debris from the transmission oil to maintain its cleanliness.


Cooler: A cooler is a type of heat exchange equipment used to cool fluids. Usually, water or air is used as a coolant to remove heat.


Pipeline: Pipeline refers to the pipeline in the hydraulic system that transmits the working fluid. Compared to pipelines, pipelines are a reasonably arranged pipeline system. Due to the flexibility of pipelines, they are often used in hydraulic systems and other liquid driven mechanical equipment.


Filter: mainly to prevent impurities from scratching and roughening the surface of parts. Before the oil is sent to the friction surface, it must be strictly filtered. To achieve satisfactory filtration results without increasing oil resistance, the coarse filter is generally connected in series with the main oil passage, while the fine filter is connected in parallel with the main oil passage.

以上就是有關(guān):濟(jì)南自動(dòng)變速箱維修  的介紹,想了解更多的內(nèi)容請點(diǎn)擊:http://njzhuiri.cn 我們將會(huì)全心全意為您提供滿分服務(wù),歡迎您的來電!

The above is an introduction to Jinan automatic transmission maintenance. For more information, please click: http://njzhuiri.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

關(guān)鍵詞: 自動(dòng)變速器故障檢測一般程序 自動(dòng)變速箱常見幾種狀況有哪些? 汽車變速箱進(jìn)水后怎么維修? 汽車變速箱基礎(chǔ)知識的特點(diǎn)講解 自動(dòng)變速箱維修保養(yǎng)要注意什么?

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