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當前位置: 首頁>>新聞中心>>公司新聞汽車自動變速箱故障診斷與維修


發(fā)布日期: 2024-06-08 來源: http://njzhuiri.cn/ 點擊: 0


The automatic transmission is one of the core components of a vehicle, responsible for transmitting power from the engine to the wheels to achieve functions such as acceleration, deceleration, and gear shifting. Due to the complexity of its structure and the particularity of its working environment, the diagnosis and maintenance of automatic transmission faults have always been an important and complex issue. Below, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the fault diagnosis and maintenance methods for automotive automatic transmissions.



Firstly, let's talk about the basic steps of automatic transmission fault diagnosis. These steps mainly include: checking the idle state of the engine after warming up, shifting to P or N gear, turning off the air conditioning, and checking whether the idle speed is stable. If the idle speed is unstable, it may be necessary to check the engine control system or ignition system for issues. Next, check the throttle position zipper and sensor, as well as the oil quality of the automatic transmission. Transmission oil is an important factor in maintaining normal transmission operation, requiring regular replacement and ensuring that the oil quality meets the requirements. In addition, pushing the vehicle to check if the start switch of P or N gear is normal is also an important step in automatic transmission fault diagnosis.


We need to develop maintenance methods for automatic transmissions based on specific types of faults. For example, if there is an automatic transmission oil leakage, it may be due to aging of the sealing ring or damage to the joint surface of the box. At this point, we can replace the sealing ring or thicken the paper pad appropriately for repair. Severe oil leakage requires welding repair. If the throttle cable or throttle position sensor is incorrect, the position needs to be readjusted. If the vehicle speed sensor is faulty, a new sensor needs to be replaced.


In addition, gearbox slippage and weak acceleration are common faults, mostly caused by burnt clutch plates. At this point, it is necessary to inspect and replace the clutch plate. For the issue of engine stalling in gear, it may be due to damage to the locking solenoid valve, which requires corresponding inspection and repair. If there is a locking fault in the transmission, it may be due to incorrect input and output signals or poor wiring, and it needs to be checked and repaired in a timely manner.


During the maintenance process, it is also necessary to pay attention to some common fault phenomena, such as gear shifting shock and jerking during driving, which may be due to dirty transmission oil causing valve body jamming. At this point, it is necessary to clean and replace the transmission oil, and check if the valve body is damaged.


It is worth noting that the fault diagnosis and maintenance of automatic transmissions require the support of professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, when carrying out relevant operations, it is recommended that the car owner take the vehicle to a professional repair station for inspection and repair by experienced technicians. At the same time, car owners should also regularly maintain and inspect the automatic transmission to prevent potential malfunctions from occurring.

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