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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)>>新聞中心>>公司新聞自動(dòng)變速箱常見故障和維修


發(fā)布日期: 2024-06-10 來(lái)源: http://njzhuiri.cn/ 點(diǎn)擊: 0


The status of the gearbox directly determines the use of the vehicle. Of course, most components of a car, such as the engine and gearbox, are unlikely to malfunction. But once it becomes a big problem, it is not only difficult to maintain, but also the maintenance cost is not very small.


At present, the star transmission automatic transmission maintenance company has sorted out some common faults of automatic transmissions for reference by car owners. When the automatic transmission enters the D or R gear, the brake is released and the vehicle does not move. This is mainly due to damage to the input shaft or reverse clutch, which may also be caused by low oil level due to transmission oil leakage causing stalling, or it may be due to damage to the locking solenoid valve or locking control valve. Most malfunctions are caused by damaged clutch discs, and the cost of early maintenance is not too high.



3. Automatic transmission oil leakage refers to the oil leakage from the transmission housing or oil pan. Transmission oil leakage is mainly due to aging of sealing components, resulting in poor sealing performance, or due to poor production processes, leading to sand holes, etc.


4. Automatic transmission water ingress: The automatic transmission will actually experience water ingress, but it will not immediately appear after water ingress. However, after mechanical damage, abnormal noise, impact, and other phenomena will gradually appear. The intake method of the gearbox can be divided into two main ways: external water inlet and internal water inlet. External water ingress refers to the situation where the vehicle is stagnant or flooded on the water surface, causing external water sources to enter the gearbox and causing the gearbox oil to deteriorate. Internal water ingress mainly refers to oil leakage in the fuel tank. Therefore, car owners usually need to conduct regular inspections of their cars if they find that the quality of the transmission oil is not being noticed for the first time.

5 . 自動(dòng)變速箱換擋時(shí)間與自動(dòng)變速箱不匹配基本上都有特定的換擋速度和速度,如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己喜歡的車的換擋時(shí)間太長(zhǎng)或太短,很可能是自動(dòng)變速箱出了問題,因?yàn)樽兯傧涞膫鲃?dòng)比不成比例..

5 Automatic transmission shifting time and automatic transmission mismatch basically have specific shifting speeds and speeds. If you find that the shifting time of your favorite car is too long or too short, it is likely that there is a problem with the automatic transmission because the transmission ratio is not proportional


There are many reasons for automatic transmission impact failure caused by automatic transmission impact. For example, when the intake filter is blocked, the main oil circuit leaks, or the fuel pump is damaged, the vehicle may experience shifting shock during driving. This phenomenon is often accompanied by excessive oil contamination in the transmission, and there may be lagging in the valve body.

7.自動(dòng)變速箱的異常噪聲也比較復(fù)雜,可分為三種異常噪聲現(xiàn)象。軸承的異常噪聲一般與轉(zhuǎn)速有關(guān),轉(zhuǎn)速越高,異常噪聲越明顯),差速器或主傳動(dòng)齒輪的異常噪聲(50 km/70 km時(shí),這種異常噪聲一般更明顯,踩在節(jié)氣門上時(shí)異常噪聲會(huì)加重,松開后能明顯感覺到異常噪聲的減弱)。液壓泵等液壓系統(tǒng)的異常噪聲(這種異常噪聲比較復(fù)雜,與轉(zhuǎn)速有關(guān),與轉(zhuǎn)速無(wú)關(guān))。當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)速較高時(shí),泵會(huì)因吸油受阻而產(chǎn)生異常噪聲。很多車主在保養(yǎng)汽車時(shí),都不會(huì)注意自動(dòng)變速箱的檢查和保養(yǎng),很多車主認(rèn)為自動(dòng)變速箱是終身不用維修的。事實(shí)上,自動(dòng)變速箱需要很高的工作環(huán)境,雖然它們不會(huì)經(jīng)常發(fā)生故障,但是如果你不注意它們,故障就會(huì)提前發(fā)生。

The abnormal noise of automatic transmissions is also quite complex and can be divided into three types of abnormal noise phenomena. The abnormal noise of bearings is generally related to the rotational speed, and the higher the rotational speed, the more obvious the abnormal noise is. The abnormal noise of differential or main transmission gears is generally more obvious (at 50 km/70 km, this abnormal noise is usually more pronounced, and when stepping on the throttle valve, the abnormal noise will increase. After releasing, the abnormal noise can be clearly felt to be reduced). Abnormal noise in hydraulic systems such as hydraulic pumps (this type of abnormal noise is complex, related to speed, and independent of speed). When the speed is high, the pump will produce abnormal noise due to oil suction obstruction. Many car owners do not pay attention to the inspection and maintenance of the automatic transmission when maintaining their cars. Many car owners believe that the automatic transmission does not require maintenance for a lifetime. In fact, automatic transmissions require a high working environment. Although they do not frequently malfunction, if you do not pay attention to them, malfunctions will occur earlier.


This article is dedicated by Jinan Automatic Transmission Maintenance Friendship. For more related knowledge, please click: http://njzhuiri.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

關(guān)鍵詞: 自動(dòng)變速器故障檢測(cè)一般程序 自動(dòng)變速箱常見幾種狀況有哪些? 汽車變速箱進(jìn)水后怎么維修? 汽車變速箱基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)的特點(diǎn)講解 自動(dòng)變速箱維修保養(yǎng)要注意什么?

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