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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)>>新聞中心>>公司新聞變速箱出現(xiàn)這8個(gè)現(xiàn)象,趕緊去檢查,小心大出血哦!


發(fā)布日期: 2024-09-02 來(lái)源: http://njzhuiri.cn/ 點(diǎn)擊: 0


  1、 Transmission oil leakage


  Phenomenon: There will be some symptoms of transmission oil leakage in cars. If the amount of transmission oil leakage is large, you will find that the car is difficult to start, the impact of low gears is severe, and when the car is running, stepping on the accelerator increases the speed, but the car does not move much. It feels like the gear has not been engaged, which is the symptom of transmission oil leakage.



  Reason for oil leakage: During actual operation, the temperature inside the box is very high, causing the lubricating oil inside the box to produce steam, filling the space inside the box, resulting in an increase in pressure inside the box. Often, oil and gas rush out at the weakest point, causing leakage. Most of the oil leaks are caused by issues such as high transmission oil temperature, assembly process, or quality of transmission oil seals.


  Consequences of oil leakage: Transmission oil has the same function as engine oil, mainly for lubrication, cleaning, cooling, rust prevention, and sealing. Therefore, a lack of transmission oil can cause insufficient lubrication inside the transmission, resulting in dry wear. Long term dry wear can lead to scrapping.


  2、 Engine stalls after shifting gears


  Phenomenon: When the engine is idling and the joystick is switched from the P or N position to the R, D, S, L position (or 2 or 1 position), the engine stalls. Or when driving in forward or reverse gear, the engine stalls when the brake pedal is pressed to stop.


  Reason for malfunction: There may be four possible reasons: low engine idle speed; The locking control valve in the valve plate is stuck; The gear switch is faulty; The input shaft speed sensor is faulty.


  Harm: If the engine stalls due to multiple gear shifts, it is necessary to check if the gear impact is significant. If it is significant, a rescue call should be made. Otherwise, after multiple attempts, it was originally just a matter of replacing the valve body, but in the end it turned into a major overhaul of the gearbox.


  3、 Transmission lock gear


  Phenomenon: During normal driving, when refueling, the car's RPM is very high, but the speed increases very slowly. When braking, the speed drops to a certain extent and does not decrease. When switching to manual mode, it was found that the transmission was locked in a certain gear and could not shift up or down.


  Reason for malfunction: The input and output signals of the automatic transmission are incorrect or the wiring of each component is poor, and sometimes there may be communication problems between the automatic transmission computer and other system computers.


  Harm: During the driving process, it is easy to dispose of oneself in a dangerous environment. If the speed cannot be reduced or the highway cannot be raised in the city, accidents are likely to occur.


  4、 The car doesn't move after entering gear


  Phenomenon: After starting the car and shifting gears to D or R, the vehicle does not respond and does not move forward after releasing the brake. Manually shift into first gear, release the clutch, and the car will not move.


  Fault cause: It may be caused by damage to the transmission input shaft or reverse clutch, or damage to the D/R brake. It could also be due to transmission oil leakage, severe lack of transmission oil, or loose connecting rods or cables between the car shift lever and manual valve rocker arm, causing the manual valve to remain in neutral or parking position.


  Harm: It is easy to make car owners feel irritable. At this time, it is necessary to remain calm and try several times. If the car still does not move, call the rescue hotline.


  5、 Shift impact


  Phenomenon: Automatic transmission shift shock refers to the severe vibration of the vehicle when it shifts from park or neutral to reverse or forward during start-up, or the noticeable impact when the automatic transmission shifts up from a certain gear or all gears during driving.


  Reason for malfunction: There may be several possible reasons: the most common reason is that the transmission oil has reached the stage where it needs to be replaced; Other reasons include excessively high engine idle speed?; Improper adjustment of throttle cable or throttle position sensor; Shift up too late; Main pressure regulating valve malfunction; Shift actuator slips; The oil pressure solenoid valve is not working; Computer malfunction;


  Solution: Replace the transmission oil and diagnose the transmission.


  6、 Abnormal noise from gearbox


  Phenomenon: An abnormal noise is heard from the gearbox during driving.


  Reason for malfunction: Wear and damage to bearings and transmission components, or low precision in replacing parts.


  7、 Shift time too long or too short


  Phenomenon: Generally, automatic transmissions have specific shifting speeds and vehicle speeds. During driving, if the gears are raised too quickly, it is directly reflected in the vehicle speed.


  Reason for malfunction: There is a problem with the gear transmission ratio.


  8、 Transmission slippage


  Phenomenon: During driving, I hear the sound of the engine idling while refueling, but there is no increase in the speed of the car, and I feel weak in acceleration.


  Reason for malfunction: burnt clutch plates or low oil pressure.


  Harm: If the vehicle continues to drive, it will cause serious damage to the gearbox, even scrapping.


This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan Automatic Transmission Maintenance. For more related knowledge, please click: http://njzhuiri.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with excellent service. We will gradually contribute more knowledge to you. Please stay tuned

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