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發(fā)布日期: 2024-06-09 來源: http://njzhuiri.cn/ 點擊: 0


1 Manual transmission


Commonly known as a mechanical transmission, it relies on manual fluctuation of the gear lever to switch the gear mesh inside the transmission, thereby changing the transmission ratio to change speed.


Due to its ability to freely control gear ratio changes, manual transmissions have been favored by many experienced drivers. By controlling them, they can achieve low gear shifting, neutral gear sliding, etc. to reduce fuel consumption. If driven well, the smoothness is comparable to that of an automatic transmission. In the passenger car market, our common types of manual transmissions include 5-speed manual and 6-speed manual.


2AT automatic transmission


The automatic transmission is composed of a hydraulic torque converter, planetary gears, and a hydraulic operating lever, which rely on hydraulic transmission to change gears back and forth to achieve speed change. The working principle is relatively simple.


Due to its ability to freely control gear ratio changes, manual transmissions have been favored by many experienced drivers. By controlling them, they can achieve low gear shifting, neutral gear sliding, etc. to reduce fuel consumption. If driven well, the smoothness is comparable to that of an automatic transmission. In the passenger car market, our common types of manual transmissions include 5-speed manual and 6-speed manual.


And 6AT is common in mid to low-end models because of its durability, stability, and smoothness. Large quantities of models such as Changan, Ford, GAC Trumpchi, and Hongqi are equipped with 6AT, among which Aisin's 6AT performs more prominently and has better smoothness.


7-speed automatic transmissions are not commonly seen, and their compact structure is not as good as 6-speed automatic transmissions. It is difficult to achieve optimal mechanical structure in odd numbered gears, and the cost and technical requirements are higher. Therefore, their popularity is not high, and they are only installed in a small number of mid to high end models, such as multiple models of Infiniti and Nissan Touareg.


The 8-speed automatic transmission is currently quite common in luxury cars, among which the ZF 8-speed automatic transmission is particularly famous because ZF has shown that the transmission efficiency of the 8-speed automatic transmission is 15% higher than that of the 6-speed automatic transmission, with good smoothness, while the 10AT can only increase by about 1%. However, its structure is more complex and the cost is high, so the 8-speed automatic transmission is currently a balanced transmission. Equipped with 8AT, there are almost all BMW models, Audi high-end models, some high-performance cars, and even ultra luxury models such as Rolls Royce Bentley.


There is no doubt about the smoothness of the 9-speed automatic transmission. The well-known ones equipped are Mercedes Benz and General Motors, both of which are self-developed. General Motors has the characteristic of adding gears on the original 6-speed automatic transmission, but the size is almost the same, which can be used in existing models. Mercedes Benz's 9-speed automatic transmission has the characteristic of being longitudinal, although it is larger in size, it still performs well.



3 dual clutch transmissions


As the name suggests, a dual clutch transmission operates internally through two sets of clutches. After one clutch is linked to a gear in a certain gear, the other set is already ready for the next gear. For example, clutch 1 is responsible for 135th gear, while clutch 2 is responsible for 246th gear. The shifting clearance is small, improving smoothness.


The commonly used dual clutch transmissions currently include 6-8 speed dual clutch transmissions, but the performance of each transmission is relatively unstable, while also taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of surpassing automatic transmissions.


The application range of 7-speed dual clutch is relatively wide, as it adds a lot of economy compared to automatic transmissions, such as Great Wall and Geely. Among joint venture brands, Volkswagen's DSG is well-known, although it used to be criticized and often had confusion in shifting logic, resulting in gear collision problems. However, it has now been optimized. In addition, due to its fast shifting speed and lack of a hydraulic torque converter, it is also used in many performance cars and supercars to help improve more performance. Of course, a good 7-speed dual clutch transmission still belongs to Porsche's PDK.


4CVT continuously variable transmission


The CVT gearbox, commonly known as a continuously variable transmission, consists of a driving wheel and a driven wheel, as well as a transmission steel belt. Hydraulic torque converters, sensors, etc. Simply put, it means relying on a hydraulic torque converter to change the hydraulic pressure, change the angle between the driving and driven wheels on the conical wheel, change the working diameter of the steel strip, and achieve the same shifting effect as an automatic transmission. The advantage is that it can accelerate and upshift without any jerking, which is more fuel-efficient. The disadvantage is that it can withstand limited torque and is not suitable for high horsepower cars.


Currently, Japanese cars are widely used for CVT, which is also one of the reasons why Japanese cars have always been praised for their good economy. However, many domestic brands have started installing CVT transmissions on small and compact cars.

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